Spring, Banners and a menagerie

It was good to come "out of Hibernation" after such a long and dreary winter and to meet up with others in the Guild. 

Although small the venue was welcoming and the old Town Hall has been repainted outside since our last visit. Double doors open onto the high street pavement and we had a lot of visitors -probably encouraged by our beautiful new banners which at 3.5m high made quite an impact and were visible from all directions.

We welcomed two new members, quilt maker Lyn Stallybrass and Diccon Dadey who is  a sculpter. We also had Andrew Boddington with us who was a guest exhibitor and works in glass. 

Diccon's work was displayed both inside Alresford community centre and outside in his truck. Many people were intrigued by the contents of Diccon's truck parked outside, apparently overflowing with metal sculptures ranging from bicycles, birds and fishes to a cheetah. Wow!

Diccon Dadey Ducks.jpg